
My 3 favorite baseball teams are:
1. Texas Rangers
2. Baltimore Orioles
3. Whoever is playing against (and beating ) the New York Yankees.

10/5/11 -- Waiting to find out if the Rangers are going to New York to play the Yankees on 10/8/11 and 10/9/11 or if we are playing the Detroit Tigers here in Arlington. Stay tuned.

9/20/11 -- Playoffs, here we come! Magic number is 5 this morning . . . hope it will be 4 or 3 tonight. Any combination of Ranger wins and Angels losses that equal 5 mean the Rangers win the AL West!

 Red Fever

Opening day is Friday 4/1/11!  Go Rangers!

4/4/11 -- Rangers are 3 - 0, as are the Orioles.  Hope both teams will keep their streaks going.

Texas Rangers website
Baltimore Orioles website